
How To Add A Background To Google Docs

When working in Google Docs there may be times where you want to send an paradigm to the back.

Whether you are trying to place a background image in your md, or whether you accept a pic that you want to display behind the text that y'all have in your file, all of this tin can exist done with a little know-how.

Unfortunately, at this time, there is not a congenital-in feature for calculation background images into your md, there are a few practiced workaround methods that we tin can use to accomplish this.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add a groundwork epitome in Google Docs.

Image Backside Text

The easiest choice for getting an image behind the text in Google Docs is to upload your image and select Behind text for the text wrapping settings.

To do this:

ane. Offset upload your epitome past selecting Insert>Paradigm in the top menu. You tin upload your image from wherever you lot take it saved


ii. Next click on your prototype and select the Backside text push


3. Y'all can now click at the superlative and begin typing


4. Equally you type you will see that your text is in front of your prototype, so y'all have a groundwork image now


Creating a Groundwork Image with the Drawing Feature

Another selection that you accept for sending an image to the back is to use the born drawing feature in Google Docs and upload your image. You lot can and then place any text directly on top of your paradigm before inserting information technology into your doc.

Hither is how this is done:

1. Click in your md wherever yous desire the image to appear and in the top carte du jour select Insert>Drawing>New


2. In one case the drawing editor appears on your screen, select the Paradigm button from the toolbar. Follow the prompts to upload your prototype


3. Later you image is uploaded select the Text box push button. Click and drag in your image to place the text box in your image the size you want


4. You lot can now blazon text anywhere that you want on your image


5. When y'all have your desired text, select the Relieve and Close button


6. You will now see that your image is a groundwork for your text in your doc


Creating a Background Epitome Using Slides

You can also apply Google Slides to create a slide with a groundwork epitome, then put text over the slide, and bring it into Google Docs.

Hither is how this is done:

1. Open a new Google Slides. Once you take it open select File


2. From the drop-down menu select Folio setup


3. Set a Custom size. For this setting, you tin employ any size you want. Ideally, you desire a size that is closer to the size of a Google Doc. I volition set information technology to 11 10 8.5 in my example. Select Utilize when you are done


4. In the top bill of fare select Slide>Change groundwork. Follow the prompts to upload your epitome as a background


5. Once you have your image in your slide you tin can place text over it wherever you lot want


6. When you have your desired text on pinnacle of your background image, y'all can download your image. Select File>Download and cull either a JPEG prototype or PNG image. Save your file onto your computer


7. Later on you have your file saved, open your Google Doc and select Insert>Image>Upload from estimator. Notice the epitome you saved from Google Slides and upload it


eight. You will at present take your epitome with the text in front of it in your Google Doc


Closing Thoughts

Equally y'all take seen by now, there are a few dissimilar means to create a background image and place your text on pinnacle of it in Google Docs.

If you only want a quick choice, the method that involves changing your text wrapping to behind text is a practiced option.

All the same, for more than control over the formatting and layout of your text, the drawing or slides methods gives you much greater flexibility.

More Google Docs Tutorials:
How to Write on an Epitome
How to Change Groundwork Color
How to Insert a Video

How To Add A Background To Google Docs,


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